Eugene D. Kublanovsky, together with Andrew Botwin, of Strategy People Culture, LLC, will be speaking at a virtual presentation to the International Intellectual Property Society (IIPS) on April 23, 2021 on the topic of Diversity, Inclusion and the Elimination of Unconscious Bias. A description of the program follows:
Everyone possess unconscious biases. Unconscious phenomena (i.e., implicit bias, racial anxiety, stereotype threat) can affect our decision-making and interactions, ultimately undermining goals of objectivity, inclusion and fairness. A greater understanding of these unconscious phenomena, and how to cope with them in our every-day business and social interactions, can present opportunities to businesses – including law firms – for mitigating the harmful effects of unconscious biases, thus creating a more inclusive and fair work environment attractive to employees, business partners, and clients alike. This program will explore unconscious biases and discuss strategies to address such phenomena.